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I can't say enough good things about ASTYM, I had all but given up and thought the rest of my life would be spent in bed and on medications. I had been in a multiple rear-end accident, and my back was completely trashed, so that any doctor couldn't do anything about it. A friend said to me, I know you have seen many doctors already but please try this one more doctor. He prescribed a physical therapist for me that used ASTYM, it was intense and very painful, I even had huge bruises the next day, but two days afterward I was loose for the first time able to do things I couldn't do before. After three months I could do the exercises at physical therapy, then after six months I was able to cut my meds in half, and six months later I cut them in half again, I was doing exercises at PT just like everyone else. I had ASTYM treatments every other visit and it got less and less painful. I have told everyone I know with back problems to go in and try this (at that time) relatively new procedure. If you are the type of person that forms a great deal of scar tissue, or keyloids, when you have an injury then you need to get rid of the scar tissue in order to get use back. It is so great, and it gave me my life back. I was, very disappointed to find how many people almost seem to enjoy staying in pain and soaking in the attention, but soon that attention turns to resentment, so it is better to Empower yourself and do your best. Remember, it's not that you fall, it's how graceful you get up, you show the world, and your kids or other family, that if their is a solution to grab it and give it your all, you owe it to yourself, you're worth it.

July 29, 2010 - 3:12pm


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