Pat ElliottExpertHERWriterGuideBlogger(reply to Anonymous)
Hi Anon - I've been able to find a few discussions online between CFS patients about outbreaks of hives. Remedies ranging from anti-histamines to apple cider vinegar have been mentioned. Hopefully others will respond to your post and be able to give you more specific information about this. In the meantime, you may find the EmpowHER reference page on Hives to be helpful.
Comment Reply
Hi Anon - I've been able to find a few discussions online between CFS patients about outbreaks of hives. Remedies ranging from anti-histamines to apple cider vinegar have been mentioned. Hopefully others will respond to your post and be able to give you more specific information about this. In the meantime, you may find the EmpowHER reference page on Hives to be helpful.
February 19, 2010 - 5:41pm
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