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EmpowHER Guest

My story was almost exactly like the lady when she washed her hands and used the paper towel to dry! Ha, I did this also and after twice, even went to the bathroom and washed then used a regular towel to dry.
This is referred to as "acquired cutaneous adherence".
I experienced this for a brief time.
Try using virgin olive oil. Although it and other oils just seem not to absorb into the skin just leave it on for a few minutes and do this several times a day.
Also, I am a Christian and my wife and I prayed and rebuked this to leave my body and then praised Jesus for the healing. Within 72 hours I was healed! Thank You Jesus...
Holding the Bible in my, I could immediately feel a change in my skin.
Footnote; Reading the Holy Scripture and believing, will be start to soul healing.
This is a prayer for healing ;
In the mighty name of Jesus, I speak healing into each one experiencing acquired cutaneous adherence. Be healed now, in the name of Jesus!
Thank You Jesus for these healing and you also, give Him thanks and tell others how Jesus has healed you from this!
God Bless...

August 10, 2013 - 3:56am


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