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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I'm just going to add my comment as a reply cause i tried the comment thing and it hasn't shown up. Sorry if it appears twice later on.

I have the same issue as most of you guys, my skin is sticky or tacky when it is damp but otherwise its fine. I noticed mine on my penis first on account of I am uncircumcised so my penis head is always a little damp or moist.... and there for it is constantly sticky. It took me a while to put together that my whole body was being sticky after showers and when i would sweat but now i realize that i too have this "sticky skin syndrome" Ive been struggling with this for about 2 years now. Ive went to a general practitioner dr and 2 dermatologist on 3 different occasions. We tried every kind of anti fungal cream you can imagine and antibiotics and a body wash with no results. At my last visit to the dermatologist he told me that it was probably just a hormonal change and basically nothing we can do about it. I feel like this is a death sentence ( pardon the drama). Am I just doomed to be sticky and nasty for the rest of my life now? I feel horrible. Like some of you this thing has began to consume my life and my self esteem is terribly low because of it. has anyone found a solution to this at all yet?

December 17, 2013 - 11:55am


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