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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

My suggestion to u if u think u have a secondary Myasis infection is to join a support group and run your symptoms by others. It is hard for me to give suggestions because I don't know your full story. However I can talk from personal experience and what I believe to be true, and u can decipher and use your own judgement. I believe ER all as humans have a small amount of things that don't belong in our bodies and some do have oarasites. Our bodies can keep these infections down, but when M hits, the immunity crashes and enables things that don't belong to take over. I did do cleanses for many things like anti:
Fungal, helminth, parasite, bacteria, virus. Please be careful when choosimg herbs because they do work synergistically with your body. I would highly recommend a medical herbalist. When I did take my supplements and herbs I always read studies rather than depend on blogs that have cited information so i knew proper dosages etc. For itch skin I used Mule Team Laundry soap which is borax. Borax is an old remedy for sticky skin, however it cannot be used every day. I used im bath water. I also took many salt water baths with apple cider vinegar, and I believe these things broke up this film on my skin. After bath I used organic coconut oil with lavender. Shea butter or other oils too. Please know that I am not offering medical advice as I am not a doctor. Just sharimg my experiences and beliefs for Uou to entertain. Good luck

November 28, 2014 - 4:13pm


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