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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Another symptom of m is brain fog and dizziness. I was present but I felt like I was in a dream. My tbinking was cloudy. It is hard to explain but those who experience this knowbwhat I am saying. M does affect the brain and it can cause a person to hallucinate according to one doc who treats. DOP or delusions of parasitosis is incorrect. What people write and stories they tell are the truth, and now studies back up their claims. There have been many docs and scientists who have towed the ignorant company line just like many have done throughtout history and wrongly. Those with AIDs suffered for 30 years before it was accepted. They were also cited as delusional. Today, Morgellons is a new disease, but it is treatable. When the public accepts is when we will have answers. There is only so long this can be kept down. The U.S. rates 72 in medicine according to world health reports. My advise to u is start studying and teach your doctors. When u make a complaint do not verbalize only but back complaint w study. Doing so forces their hand because if they do not take seriously legal action can ensue later if u prove that what u presented to them could have helped u. These doctors are not gods and frankly most here likely know more than they do. They have become drug pushers in favor of the latest and greatest pharmaceutical money maker in my opinion. The immune suppressing drugs are not the answer on my opinion. Why is your body reacting should be the question. Multiple sclerosis for example has already been proven to be caused by Lyme disease yet the patients are not treated for infection to this day! They are suppressing their immunity ! Shame on them. I suffered over 25 years before I got well through my own direction and with limited resources. I hope u all here do same and get well. You direct your doctor and never forget that u are a dollar when u walk thru their doors. If u pay a mechanic to fix your car and he does incorrectly u demand refund or him to fix. Your body and your lifr count!!! Do not let these docs minimize your symptoms and fyi you CAN request a refund!

November 28, 2014 - 5:58pm


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