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EmpowHER Guest

Too many wrong foods and over excess of salts. There is a excess of salt in everything.
That's why it's so hard to also lose weight. Because nothing preserves better than salt.... and also holds the water in the body preventing it from elimination.
Try to limit your salt from your diet as much as possible. Don't worry about having less. Nowadays is almost impossible. Lol
Drink lots of water with a few drops of lemon squeeze or a lemon slice.
Parsley is very good at eliminating salts, so is watermelon.
Most importantly everytime you go to the bathroom or wash dishes never dry your hands. Use that water on your hands by rubbing it on your face, neck, head If short hair, arms.....
I had extremely dry skin and tried every cream known to man. And psoriasis.
Since I started to wet my face, arms, neck every chance I get, it has disappeared completely. Who would have thought plain water would do it. Unreal
After all, we are over 80% water. Our skin and face, arms, body needs it.
My skin was so dry before, that if water would have touched my face, my skin would have gotten so dry so tide it felt like it was cracking. Extremely uncomfortable. Especially after showers. Had to use a ton of moisturizer to get rid of the discomfort.
Mostly because I worked outdoors for decades.
So, lots and lots of cold water. As cold as you possible. The body will turn the fat from your body into energy to warm up that cold water and also cool you down.
Bananas, Parsley, watermelon..... Best at many, many things. But most of all eliminating salt.

December 29, 2016 - 11:37pm


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