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Anonymous (reply to hot water)

Acquiring Backlinks from Multiple Domains is Important

We know that earning backlinks to content is important,
but how important is it that the backlinks are coming from different websites versus
the same one?

Well, the data clearly shows that it’s really important to have a substantial
amount of diversity in the domains linking to your webpage(s).

This is probably one of the most clear-cut factors
that equate to high search engine rankings. In fact, the data showed that,
on average, webpages ranking #1 had over 168% more linking
domains than the webpages ranking at #5.

This is even clearer to see when you look at the fact that webpages ranking #1 actually
receive a 23% share of all the linking domains pointing to webpages
on page 1 of Google.

Whenever I map out a backlink acquisition strategy for an SEO - 43% Off campaign, one of the first
questions that I try to answer is, "How can I get links from a wide range of different websites that are relevant to me?"

Higher volumes of backlinks are great, but combining that with high diversity is
what’s really going to move the needle.

To give you an idea of the general ratio that you may want to aim
for, I looked at the average ratio of backlinks to linking
domains that results ranking on page 1 of Google.com

As the trendline in the chart above indicates, the average ratio of
backlinks to linking domains that page 1 ranking webpages had was 37:1.

It’s worth noting here that this isn’t necessarily
what you need to "aim for," but rather it should be used as a benchmark to determine whether your
current backlink profile could do with an increase
in domain diversity.

Action: Use a tool like Ahrefs to analyze your ratio of backlinks to linking domains.
If you find that your backlinks are mainly coming from
a small pool of domains, look at a way to diversify your backlink strategy to get links from a greater
variety of domains.

July 30, 2017 - 11:10pm


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