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I experienced the sticky skin two years in a row accompanied with severe muscle weakness, SOB, heart palpitations and no appetite.
When showering the skin would feel oily and if sleeping and the arm rested on the leg causing the arm to ahere to the leg. Both times this required me to become bedridden for a period of a month because of the extreme weakness and then gradually my strength would return.It felt to me like I was being poisoned and that the stickiness was my body trying to release the toxins through perspiration. Both times it would take a full two months before I would be back to normal and the stickiness would be gone. There was never any warning as I would be jogging or spinning the day before and then it felt like I hit a brick wall and could not get out of bed and walk 2 ft. without feeling like my body was collapsing from the inside out and shortness of breath with tachycardia.(fast heart beat) As with all of you no medical reason could be found. This had never happened to me before and the only common factors I saw was that I had changed gyms, and always happened when I would be working out at the gym 6 days a week, doing high intensity cardio with spin classes, threadmill, weight training feeling in peak condition and happened in the spring and summer. I also was using alot of the handi wipes to clean the equipment. Therefore, to try and avoid the problem this year I quit that gym(to eliminate possible exposure to mold, mildew cleaning products, bad ventilation) and I am only doing walking outdoors for exercise and have tried to keep the exposure to the chemical cleaning wipes down. I will not know if any of these factors played a role unless I can get through this year without it happening again. I also live near a golfcourse so it could also be exposure to a chemical they use during the spring and summer. Anyway, my reason for telling you this is perhaps you may see a pattern in your life that is similiar to mine that may give you some answers that the medical professional can not find for you. If you do, please share, it may also help me find an answer and a solution as this condition can be very debilitating and emotionally draining because there are no symptoms to warn you of an impending attack.

March 26, 2011 - 6:49am


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