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Anonymous (reply to a_sticky_mess)

Hi : This is Diane: To Stickymess ; Im so glad you're back! Oh My, I was SO concerned about you and kept wondering what happened to you. I feel so bad you are suffering so much. Is the same doctor treating you that you received a different diagnosis of staph epidermidis? I'll probably get tested for this too since My hands and lips are still sticky. For the past two years I've been around hospital and nursing home settings and this would make sense that germs could have latched on to me while caring for someone.Please take caution when you use a sauna and sweat out because your electrolytes can get out of whack. Your potassium and sodium could become too low and you may experience heart palpitations if you don't replenish what you lost while sweating. Stay on top of this OK? what antibiotic destroys staph epidermidis you didn't mention the name? Oh how I hope your pain and condition is coming to an end with this new medication you are trying. Please keep updating but please don't wait for months... I care ..and so does everyone else. The story i read before yours is very interesting. There's more of us than we realize. Talk to you soon. I'll will sincerely be praying for your full recovery.

April 2, 2011 - 7:34pm


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