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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi again! Diane, thank you so much for your concern. I'll make sure to be extra careful in the sauna too, thanks. I've been so ill for so long and my body keeps getting weaker... the sticky skin issue is nothing compared to how physically sick I am (sore throats, scalp pain, burning skin pain, etc). I've had such severe muscle and joint pain too that it hurts to walk or do anything. I've gone to doctor after doctor without getting any answers for so long, and I've been beyond frustrated. It wasn't until I took a short vacation to clear my head, that I got the answer I've been waiting for. I sat by a minister on the plane who was returning from a mission trip. He prayed for me and told me God could heal me. I saw a nice MD when I got back, and the Staph Epidermidis showed up! Staph appeared on my previous labwork, but it said coagulase negative and didn't specify the type. I knew I had a resistant type of Staph after trying Augmenten, Levaquin and Ampicillin antibiotics and did not feel any better.

The only way to determine which antibiotics to use is from your labwork. If there's a pathogenic bacteria found in your culture, the lab will do sensitivity tests with antibiotics to see what should work. They'll send the list to your doctor, and your doctor will decide which one is right for you based on your health history, current medications, allergies or what you can tollerate. The strong one that's supposed to work for my Staph Epidermidis infection is Tetracycline. If that doesn't work, I'm going to demand something more powerful until this gets cleared up.

Take charge of your healthcare! If you come across a mean doctor who has too many patients and doesn't care, then keep searching until you find someone nice who will listen to you. I've delt with my share of rude dr's, and I think they need to treat others how they want to be treated. In my experience, it helps to bring some friends/family members to appointments with you so you're not by yourself, then the dr's are more likely to listen. Hospitals see Staph Epidermidis infections more often because of the many proceedures that they do. If you have a dr. who's affiliated with a hospital lab and could send your cultures there, that lab might do a better job finding it. If you have cultures done and you want to make sure they look for Staph Epidermidis, you can ask your dr. to note it on the lab paperwork. This helped me get answers and I hope it helps you. Please remember that your sticky skin could be caused by something different than mine and I don't want to tell you what tests you need, but since I'm testing positive for Staph Epidermidis it's possible you will too. I forgot to mention that the doctor also gave me an ointment called Bactroban (Mupiricin) to use externally for my Staph areas. Good luck and keep me posted!

April 3, 2011 - 11:04pm


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