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EmpowHER Guest

I have been trying cymbals 30mg to 60mg with in 3myths. I'm also on methadone and the interactions cause a decrease in the effects of the methadone. So I started behaving like a person with ADD. Other strange side effects. I started taking 30mgs of cymbals, whinging off, I did this for 7 days. Panic attacks, rapid speech, sweating nausea,etc....... my Dr put me son Prozac 20mgs. It seems to fit my depression needs. One day I'm ok,next I'm flipping out, horrible withdrawal symptoms from the cymbalta, or as it seemed? I don't know what to do I m miserable,barely able to function. My mom died months ago and now I'm cleaning out her belongings. Not helping the panic attacks and crying,and super paranoia. My plan is to stop Prozac but when? I've only been trying it for 7 days. THANKS I need help.

August 14, 2013 - 5:14am


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