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I took Prozac for about 3 months and had terrible diarrhea while taking it so I withdrew slowly as per my doctors instructions. I couldn't fo out of the house. Boy, for a medicine that is supposed to help depressions and anxiety, Prozac made mine 100 % worse. I was literally a prisoner in my own home. I was running to the bathroom every 1/2 hour or sooner. I have had diarrhea ever since withdrawing, and it's been 1 month. The diarrhea come and goes.One day I think, "oh, good, it's gone and then whamo, it's back. I am soo distressed over this darned medicine. I wish I had NEVER started taking it.
My daughter was murdered by my husband and then he came home and shot himself in front of me.I was really in a bad state of mind so my doctor thought Prozac might help to pull me out of my depressions.Well, guess what? it is worse!
Does anyone know approx. how long diarrhea will last?any suggestions as how I can get rid of the CURSE of diarreha?
Please help.

June 25, 2014 - 5:07am


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