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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hello. I am currently 15 days late for my period. 6 days ago I had a pregnancy test done at the doctor (urine) and it was negative. I have taken three at home tests and they are all negative although a line appeared on two of them hours later. My period has been on time exactly every month for at least two years. I have not been under any stress at all and I am not on any medications. I had cramps at the time I was suppose to have my period for about three or four days but I never actually had any blood. My back hurts very bad, my boob's are sore and a little swollen. I get nauseous a couple times a day, but I have only thrown up twice a week ago. Four days ago I had some light brownish red discharge when I wiped and then again the next day. I am extremely moody. I feel like I am on my period but I am not. I took another test ten minutes ago and it was negative. I was suppose to start my period on October 17th but here it is November 1at and still nothing. I also have whitish clear discharge that at times makes me feel like I started my period. This happens about every other day. What is going on? I don't have insurance so I can't get a blood test or an ultra sound. Am I pregnant, why am I getting negatives?

November 1, 2016 - 9:43am


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