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EmpowHER Guest

On the 18th of December my boyfriend and I were fooling around. We both had no underwear on. He was humping me. He came somewhere around the top of my clit and then wiped it off with a tissue. I didn't get home for like an hour after that so I didn't wash that quickly. My period has already been screwing up for the past three months, I didn't get it for the whole of September, October and got it at almost the end of November. I am kind of freaking out here. I'm living in an extremist Muslim country (atheist, myself). If I am pregnant, I have no idea what I'll do. I don't know where to get an abortion done and my parents. Oh God, my PARENTS.
Anyway. I am trying very hard to be calm right now. Please. Help. I'm still a virgin, 17 and I really need to know. Please.

December 24, 2011 - 10:30am


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