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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

After reading all the responses to the question "Which is better Locks of Love or Pantiene's Beautiful Lengths?" I think this is the most thorough and complete answer.

Thank you very much I also heard about the sales aspect of the wigs available from Locks of Love but did not realize that they were sports wigs. I know real hair wigs are expensive and hard to make I can only imagine how much more expensive sport wigs must be on top of that. Take in to account that the people who actually make the wigs need to be paid I think if a family can afford to pay for the wigs then they should be made to, I hope the sliding scale goes all the way down to zero dollars to take in to account families who truly cannot afford the cost. I think a sport wig for a child is more important than a cosmetic wig for someone who has only lost their hair temporarily.

Also I think every woman should shave their head completely at some point to mark entering adulthood, or what ever they want to mark, it's good for the soul, but that's my personal opinion. I've done it and LOVED being bald and plan to do it again at some point but this time I'll donate my hair. (I couldn't last time because I was shaving off 8yr old Dreadlocks)

Thanks again.

April 15, 2010 - 5:14pm


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