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EmpowHER Guest

It's very interesting how far the idiots in this world will go, willingly, to keep themselves in the dark. It doesn't take studies or test to tell you that hookah is bad for you, it only takes common sense. And really, the biggest issue is that much like smoking cigarettes, it's a lack of self-confidence that leads to it. I feel sorry for people that, for whatever reasons in their life, they are too insecure to turn down something that's obviously not good for you and also extremely lame. You realize that cooler and more secure people are laughing at you, don't you? Maybe find some confidence in yourself, get a little more introspection, get "deeper" as a person and show us what we should really be seeing in you. Don't dumb yourself down, don't be another nobody in the crowd, be something...and somebody. I'm sorry to offend, but trust me, you need to hear it. You're better than this.

March 31, 2016 - 11:07am


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