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Dear Help Me--

Great Question. Although you are not ovulating while on the pill you still have to shed the lining of your uterus to prepare your body for possible pregnancy the next month. The only difference is that since you aren't ovulating, no egg is released. This period occurs on the week that you take your placebo pills. You should not have a regular period and be pregnant, the reason behind this is because once your body starts producing the "pregnancy" hormone, HcG, this puts a halt to your period.

With that being said, you may still "bleed" and be pregnant. This bleeding would more than likely not be your period though, and it is likely to be a shorter, lighter period.
Heavy bleeding while pregnant should warrant a visit to the ER.

Some reasons for bleeding although you may be pregnant are:
-Implantation Bleeding (This is when your fertilized egg is implanting into the blood-rich lining of the uterus)
-Tubal pregnancy
-Ectopic Pregnancy
- Nothing wrong-- in rare instances, some women continue to bleed throughout their pregnancy. Their OB will continue to monitor them, but there may be nothing wrong with them or the pregnancy at all.

Was this your question? Hope it helped.

August 3, 2009 - 6:01am


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