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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for this post. I am dumbstruck by my identical experience of elevated mood and a spectacular two days of laser focused productivity burst which was unmistakable as a 53 year old woman on medication already for 'focus' issues. A few years ago I sought help for my life-long ADD struggles which was helped by Concerta for awhile but have noticed decreased efficacy recently and since I am at max suggested dose I was going to request a revaluation. I also have asthma (and many allergies) and recently needed to take a single 4 mg dose of prednisone once a day for two consecutive days. It was prescribed due to a prolonged asthma flare up in the 4 week aftermath of a particularly nasty flu/cold episode. First day...one prednisone and....BAM....within what seems like only 30 minutes I'm hit with a wave of unprecedented mental clarity and a burst of focused energy so profound and noticeable I was a bit freaked out. Since I was expecting only to have my lung capacity improve as per dr's reason for prescribing prednisone, I was blindsided by being transformed almost INSTANTLY into feeling and thinking like what I've always imagined 'normal' feels like.

I will investigate both Wellbutrin snd Ritalin and discuss with my doctor.

Interestingly a short time ago my hubby finally sought treatment for depression and he ended up on Wellbutrin which has relieved his depression PLUS as a bonus side effect, his 'other' undiagnosed struggles with life-long focus and motivation issues disappeared into thin air. In fact he jokes daily about what he calls his 'Wellbutrin moments' that provide him with 'straight thinking' PLUS the prolonged focus AND required motivation to follow-through and complete both mundane and creative 'fun' tasks.

In researching his claimed 'Wellbutrin' moments I did find it was approved for 'off-label' use in treating ADD. I will review Ritalin now and compare the differences/similarities for the various targeted brain chemistries and required dosing frequencies between my current Concerta, Wellbutrin and Ritalin.

I once had a diagnostic MRI of my brain when I was experiencing MS-like 'mystery symptoms' and I was told I was in the 10% of the population that has Unidentified White Objects on my brain that medical science can't explain and they aren't actively reasearching since: statistically they are only found in 10% of the population; and since the UWO's can not be directly linked to any 'specific diseases' and are believed to be residing in a 'benign state'. Hah! After reading this post confirming there are a 'minor' group of folks experiencing an 'unidentified wonderful outcome' a.k.a. UWO.....makes me wonder if my brain's UWO are actually causing an imbalance in my brain chemistry through over-production or under-absorption of the key mood brain chemistries.

I look forward to getting my 'normal' on again and relish the feeling of getting rid of all the cobwebs in the corners of my house - and my brain!

January 18, 2015 - 5:45pm


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