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EmpowHER Guest

I have found prednisone to be a life saver. I have had low energy problems most of my 70 years, causing family/friends to make jokes about it. I have been bedridden for days from severe stress of any kind, most recently from combination of hip replacement surgery, family issues, and neighborhood problems. I was so fatigued/depressed that I needed a Medrol 6 day pack of 10 mg tapered doses to get my power back. Have been on 5 mg per day for almost 3 years in order to function normally. For about 7 years, I crashed every time I went on a trip, being unable to get out of bed next day. My doctor back home would call in a 10 mg prescription to a local pharmacy and within mere hours I'd feel like nothing happened, then feel like I could clean a dozen houses the rest of my trip. It didn't matter whether I had traveled by plane, train, or car. Any extra demand on my energy took me down hard. I became hypothyroid many years prior, and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 10 years ahead of that. There are connections in these that may account for my body's inefficient cortisol production, and it's dramatic response to prednisone. My specialists tested me for autoimmune diseases that respond to prednisone. Nothing was found. I even had muscle biopsies that showed no reason for my muscle weakness, joint/muscle pain. For some reason, prednisone fixes all that and makes me feel like Wonder Woman! Thanks for all your posts. Very interesting differences!


September 1, 2015 - 8:21pm


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