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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am the person , Gainor Hillegass - Tampa, FL, who wrote this post almost 2 years ago. Three months later, we discovered why I repond so dramatically. I have adrenal insufficiency! It was diagnosed when I had the mother of all crashes from a silent UTI, which my body couldn't handle. Out of nowhere, I had sudden severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting. I though it was the lunch I ate on way home from cardiology stress test. Hours later, I could not stand or talk. My son found me semiconscious in the bathroom after work. 911 was called. As they moved me, the vomiting continued. I couldn't look up or respond to their questions. I though I had a stroke and felt like a statue, unable to communicate. I had become severely dehydrated. IV revived me. After tests and CT of abdomen, it was determined I had suffered an Addisonian Crisis, where the insufficient adrenal cortisol could not rally my body to handle the infection. I spent 6 days in the hospital on massive doses of steroids. My maintenance dose varies between 15-20 mg, depending on my level of stress or activity. I wear a Life Alert pendant, and have the GPS for when I am out and about. I have notes to EMTs in house and hanging from car mirror - in case I am unable to speak - alerting them to my need for rescue doses of cortisone. My doctors told me to go straight to ER if I ever have vomiting/diarrhea more than 3 times in a row. I will dehydrate quickly and could go into a coma.. I was almost in one when I went to the hospital. Then the body shuts down. I urge all of you to have your adrenal hormones tested. Insufficiency causes inflammation/pain, fatigue, heat and exercise intolerance, brain fog, depression - things reflecting low metabolism. Cortisol regulates everything in your body! Our adrenals make make enough to handle a normal day, but not the emergency amount necessary to get us through an infection, surgery, stressful event. We who have miraculous results with prednisone are probably deficient to start with. We feel "normal" , and supercharged when we are put on it for something. There are frequently coexisting thyroid problems. I hope you all get tested and put on low dose to correct deficits. You will certainly feel better!

July 14, 2017 - 6:42am


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