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(reply to atidalpus)

It is a little confusing, as this information seems contradictory, but...

1. "The only way of knowing Plan B® One-Step has been effective is when you get your next period, which should come at the expected time, or within a week of the expected time. If your period is more than 7 days late, you may be pregnant."
[Source: Plan B One Step]

2. [This is the confusing/contradictory part]: "Side effects may include changes in your period, nausea, lower abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, dizziness and breast tenderness. Some women may have changes in their period, a heavier or lighter next period, or a period that is early or late."

So, your next regular menstrual period should start when you expect it to (however long your cycles are, assuming you are "regular"). The confusing part is, that one of the side effects of Plan B is "breakthrough bleeding", which means you may bleed in-between periods, and another side effect is Plan B can cause your period to be early or late, lighter or heavier than normal. So...you may not be able to distinguish if a few days of bleeding is "breakthrough" or "menstrual".

You said you began your period only 5 days after taking Plan B, and I am assuming this means you were not expecting your period at this time?

Most importantly: when are you expecting your next period?

January 14, 2010 - 2:50pm


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