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(reply to Anonymous)

When are you expecting your next period? If it was at the end of May, it is likely not even considered a "late period" yet. A pregnancy test would not be effective until you have missed a period.

Please read the information that came with the Plan B, as it does say that one of the side effects is spotting, breakthrough bleeding, irregular periods (earlier or later than usual; heavier or lighter). It is not harmful, and just your body's reaction to the dose of hormones in Plan B.

You will need to wait until the end of June to either have your period or take a pregnancy test. I am so sorry you are worried, but there is that risk of pregnancy whenever you have unprotected sex. The chance of you ovulating that close to your period is low, but it can still happen. It is GREAT that you took Plan B, and I hope you also will look into more effective forms of birth control (the pill, condom, etc)...we are happy to talk with you about all of your options! (When you are ready; I know right now you are scared that you are pregnant).

If your period does not start by the end of June, take another pregnancy test. It is most likely that you are not pregnant since he did not ejaculate, so try not to worry!

How did you have intercourse with a tampon in??

June 17, 2010 - 5:10pm


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