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Anon - Good question. According to the Mayo Clinic, the main reason there's so much salt in packaged foods is that salt helps prevent spoiling because it draws moisture out of food, which inhibits the growth of bacterias. Salt also kills existing bacteria that might cause spoilage.
Mayo also says that at one time salting was one of the only ways to preserve food. Although that's not the case today, salt still remains a common ingredient in many processed foods. It helps make soups more savory, reduces the dryness in crackers and pretzels, and increases sweetness in cakes and cookies. Salt also helps disguise metallic or chemical aftertastes in products such as soft drinks.
I wish you well in your quest, and hope it helps to understand why there's so much salt in our foods.
Take good care,

October 13, 2009 - 6:34pm


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