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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon, and thank you for your question.

I wanted to note that your weight gain since June probably has to do with the decrease in your estrogen levels since your remaining ovary was removed. Have you talked to your gynecologist about this? Once we are in full menopause, our weight issues are a little different than they were earlier in our lives. What you eat, how much you exercise and what nutritional supplements we take all have a major impact on our ability to lose weight.

I don't have any particular knowledge of the JM weightloss products; but I will say that with a menopausal weight gain, you may need to look more at a lifestyle change rather than just a weightloss product. You could lose the weight and gain it right back otherwise.

Please do mention this to your doctor, however. Are you on any hormone replacement therapy?

November 27, 2009 - 9:10am


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