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Anonymous (reply to AKotlarz10)

Forget the pills. IMO they could potentially hurt your health. Most likely any lost weight will be regained fairly quickly once you stopped taking them.

To lose one pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories above what is eaten. To reach your goal of say 120, you must burn 143,500 calories (31 lbs x 3500 cal/lb) above what is eaten. You have plenty of time before August to do this.

Ironically, it’s easier to lose weight at our heaviest because we usually expend more calories just existing. Your body is probably burning 300+ calories less each day at 161 doing nothing than it was at 245 or 200. The lighter you become, the more work it takes to reach the 3,500 calories needed to lose a pound of fat.

Plateauing at different weight levels is actually quite common. To restart your loss, recommend the following:

- Drink 8 glasses of water each day. The body needs to be well hydrated to continue losing weight.

- Get adequate sleep each night—preferably at least 8 hours but no less than 7 hours.

- Vary your daily caloric intake say between the range of 1200 to 1400. Don’t eat the very same amount of calories each day. On heavy exercise days, you’ll need more calories otherwise the body will go into starvation mode and not let you lose weight.

- Check what you’re eating daily to be sure it contains the RDA of nutrients your body needs.

- Start cardiovascular exercises and some weight lifting. Vary the routine each day. Don’t overtrain. Calculate how many calories you’re burning. At the end of each week, if you haven’t lost one pound for every 3500 calories of exercise then your diet probably needs adjusting. (e.g. You might be eating too much or not enough. Your carbs might be too high. Your diet might be missing some essential nutrient(s) the body needs. You aren’t getting enough sleep or water.)

A regular routine of cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting should increase your metabolism the natural way to burn more calories during the hours that you aren’t exercising. In other words, you should start seeing more weight loss than the calories counted from actual exercise.

Good Luck.

December 14, 2009 - 11:48pm


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