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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

As someone who has had Anorexia Nervosa for 6 years and had to be hospitalized for it and is now a personal trainer and fitness instructor...starvation mode is real. There is difference between eating 300 calories/or none a day and 1000 calories a day...both put your body into starvation mode...however when you're eating as little as 300 or zero calories, the initial reaction for the body is to drop weight...rapidly. When you give your body calories it stores it as fat when in starvation mode, but when you feed nothing to it at all...well that is a no brainer. But after that ends after the rapid weight loss...as I have encountered and many of the other girls that were hospitalized with me, weight has gone up without changing exercise routine or caloric restriction..because the body is essentially freaking out,thinking it will not be fed again so it stores whatever it can as fat for energy..and holds onto that fat for dear life.
My body is still in starvation mode simply because I am extremely active and still don't get in enough calories so I'm not rail thin like I should be...but it's hard to eat more when headlines (and people like you) scream that it's all calories in calories out...well it's not, there is a lot of grey area for some people and having some compassion for them would be nice, especially if you read up on this in medical journals...you'd see that starvation mode is really a thing when the body isn't getting the bare minimum calories it needs to function and fuel the organs (which is why my organs don't function properly anymore)...not even medical journals, go ask a trainer at your gym or even just watch The Biggest Loser..and those trainers talk about how you have to get in a certain amount of calories to lose weight, getting in too few only harms you.

March 19, 2010 - 7:44am


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