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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I haven't responded to a post in over a year. I read anything I can get my hands on on this topic. I am aware that I do not even drink CLOSE to as much water as I should. For some reason I really DON'T LIKE WATER. Weird I know. I drink liquids, tea, coffee, flavored water, all day. But I have been adding regular water to lunch, supper, and post workouts. I am hoping to increase slowly. I have been switching up the workouts. I alternate with running, Jillian MIchaels videos, and have recently been doing the Insanity vidoes with a friend 3 days a week. I also started doing these workouts after work on some days so I can get more sleep (not getting up at 5 a.m). I feel more rested if nothing else. I am 35, 5'5 and bounce between 138-143. I used to weigh 127-130. The weight has not budged, so between age, having two kids, and the PCOS, this might just be where I am. I'm trying to foucus on being healthy more than the number on the scale, but as a female, we all know that is hard! :)

May 4, 2011 - 11:11am


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