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EmpowHER Guest

Dear Elizabeth,

may I suggest you dig deeper and cast your net wider? There ar some errors in your article about knowledge what causes brain cancer (radiation is only one). The other one is about using a headset. I actually measured the radiation which was high, close to or even higher then the phone body. You may want to purchase a meter like the EMF Hunter: www.osuntech.com and see for yourself. As you being a scientist I am a bit disappointed that the article creates false security, I think it is irresponsible. Not a well baked article it needs to be. You have the skill to write succinct articles so I really hope you will take on board what I said here. I trust your next article will be well researched not only well written. Unwittingly your present article is ammunition for the industry who denies the danger and the evidence (yes EVIDENCE) available but attempted to be suppressed. Using the loud speaker option 30 cm away from the phone is correct in your article.
Be well! joseph

August 20, 2009 - 4:38pm


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