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Good Article. The Fluoride comment by Anon is also important considering Flouride should not be given to babies yet Nursery water for infants contains it :-/ I also agree that it's appropriate just to add since the article was about our children's teeth (even though it was about milestones, a little bit of extra information never hurts).

Sticking to the topic at hand, my 7 month old has already sprouted 4 (going on 5) teeth in a matter of 3 weeks. I purchased the little soft bristle brush that fits into your finger and brush his teeth with that. I am not sure how he will react to his first doctor's visit coming soon, he doesn't like to be assessed by his pediatrician so I can't even imagine what someone going into his mouth will do to him.

September 11, 2009 - 9:26am


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