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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi, I'm a writer too and I'm just recovering from a broken pelvis, so I thought I'd help a bit. I was hit by a car as a pedestrian and sustained a open book fracture of the pelvis, I did not (thankfully) get any of the other injuries you mentioned, but I spent time in hospital with people who did.
The external brace lasted 4 days until surgery. If it helps once surgery is complete because everything is fixed back into the pelvic circle things get easier for the patient (in this case, me.) The surgery put in bolts at the sides and a plate across the front. This was followed by 2 weeks in hospital, and after about 2 weeks, very arduous physio to get sat up and transferring (non weight bearing) from bed to wheel chair. Then 3 months non weight bearing (wheelchair) and I'm still on a single crutch 3 months after that. In short 6 months to get back to no cructhes with twice weekly physio. You have extra complications with your other injuries including shortening of the limbs etc. Age is also a factor - if your character is young (lets say 20's) then they are made of bubblegum and magic and will be healed pretty quickly. If your 39 like I was, then this is what your looking at. Stay safe, avoid cars and keep writing! (p.s. 3 months in a wheelchair helped me finish my novel... so that's something I suppose :))

March 15, 2015 - 11:05am


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