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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am exactly, 100% the same as this poster (Jan 24, 2010 - 5:42pm.) Investigated a zillion things, tried a zillion things. Sometimes better, sometimes worse (usually the last 2 weeks of cycle between ovulation and next period.) Dry and burning feeling during sex even though there is discharge. Honestly, I don't think doctors and ob/gyns have a clue about this stuff. Maybe a tiny, TINY few do but I seriously doubt that asking a professional will conclusively explain what is going on with our bodies or offer a real, healthy solution. I sometimes do pH tests to see if its over-acidity. I think I *may* be onto something with this but then sometimes I have the discharge and my pH is right where vaginal pH should be. Sometimes I think baking soda sitz baths help, other times I think its my imagination. Anyhow, it continues... profuse, milky white watery discharge gushes out. No foul odor. Some burning but I am sure it is not an typical infection. I've read some things about an overgrowth of the good bacteria... I think maybe this could be a possibility. I continue to come back to something called "cytolytic vaginosis" but I'm not yet convinced. Discussion around this vaginosis is the closest thing I've found to helpful though. The mystery continues...

June 18, 2011 - 9:12pm


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