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I had my flu shot 6 weeks ago into my left arm. It was given too close to the acromion process not in the deltoid where I would admin an intramuscular injection. (I'm a nurse). I had immediate pain/swelling/warmth at the site and severe pain in my forearm. Im experiencing a lot of the same symptoms as my fellow flu shot victims. Pain when mobilizing my arm, getting dressed, achy at rest, and increased pain when laying flat. The pain is in my rotator cuff, bicep, tricep, elbow, forearm, and 2 weeks ago my axillary nodes became swollen and tender and my left breast went up a cup size.
I've been seen by several different Physicians.....to get different opinions, and thats what I ended up with. Each gave me a different diagnosis from bursitis, tendonitis, nerve damage and frozen shoulder.But they all agreed that it was from an improper injection technique. I asked one of the Physiatrist at work his opinion, and he did a very thorough assessment. He thinks the flu shot was injected into the rotator cuff, causing rotator cuff tendonitis which then caused bicep tendonitis and possibly early frozen shoulder. The forearm and elbow is referred pain, and the swollen lymph nodes are a result of the inflammation. ( I have no other signs of infection, and had blood work to rule it out).
I'm unable to work.....the more I use my arm the worse it gets. I'm TRYING really hard to rest (I'm normally very active in sports), will start physio next week, and I'm booked for an ultrasound....so we'll see how it goes!
I've found advil 3x a day and application of heat most effective for my pain relief.....but I'm still very much suffering....not just the physical, but emotionally aswell. I have taken comfort in reading posts from others, but I can't wait for this nightmare to end.....for all of us!
I've reported this unfortunate accident the the nurse who gave me the shot, Occupational Health and Safety, Work Safe BC, and I will also be reporting this to the Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration, and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

January 12, 2012 - 7:24pm


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