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Canadian and Anon - I can't tell from your comments if you're saying you're feeling this pain only when you use your arm. If you stopped using your arm/shoulder because of the pain that came after the vaccination and now only use it on a limited basis and are experiencing severe additional pain in the shoulder area each time you now try to use it what you may be experiencing is a frozen shoulder. I've had one, and the pain is horrible. An orthopedic specialist would be able to diagnose and treat this. It can be a very long process and would likely include physical therapy to restore your range of motion.

Here's a couple of links about frozen shoulder that may help, and I'd like to also invite other members to chime in with suggestions and information that may help.
This is very troubling - another set of problems on top of the first set - and hopefully we can figure out some ways to help each other.

Thanks everyone, Pat




December 23, 2009 - 5:25pm


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