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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you again everyone for your helpful comments.20 months is long but as long as it subsides little by little in the meantime then that is good.I will get to my doctor as soon as i can afford it. Family is broke for awhile since Christmas.The Glucosamine vitamins 1500mg and the cream has been subsiding some of the throbbing pain. I hope it continues to work.I do little activities to keep my arm going because i don't want to get that Frozen Shoulder problem. I try to do the activities little by little and take a few breaks when my arm starts to throb.I don't know if my doctor will just randomly give me the special blood test you write about.They always want some kind of good reason.I can't even get my daughters blood type without a doctors refferel. I'll ask my family in laws about it.It's Kaiser. Thanks again for the hopeful comments.

December 28, 2009 - 12:53pm


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