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EmpowHER Guest

I know how you feel Canadian. I really do.I don't have money for any medical or prescriptions either.I'm just trying to do whatever i can think of to subside the pain each day.I know it sucks that it will be a slow process for our healing but at least some people who post on here help us know there is hope even if it will take longer than we thought. I have to tough it out for my kids each day.I'm just trying to have Faith and Hope and know that we could have something a-lot worse that could have happened to us.I'm glad it's not something worse even though at times the pain is so upsetting.I didn't even get the H1N1 because of my arm pain from the regular Flu shot.We take those risks when we take the shots.We sign for it and all. I'm trying not to panic because i do have major Anxiety and Depression.The numbness is what scares me the most because it feels like my arm is heavy and like it's gonna fall off cause i can't feel the circulation.Try sports creams or Glucosamine Vitamins and 800mg Motrin daily.That's all i'm doing and it helps a little but not much. Hugs to all who suffer this annoying arm pain! We will survive!

December 28, 2009 - 7:06pm


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