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Hi everyone - Thanks for continuing to write in and let us know your experiences.

Canadian - When I was treated for Frozen Shoulder (not caused by a shot) the physical therapy caused additional pain. I switched to a less aggressive therapist, which helped, but there still was additional pain.

Cathy - A couple of people have mentioned getting deep tissue massage, and they said it was helpful.

Greg - The FDA does provide a list of ingredients. The single-dose H1N1 vaccine does not have preservatives; the multi-dose version does. You can find the FDA ingredient information here: http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/QuestionsaboutVaccines/ucm186102.htm

Anon - Thanks for mentioning that the anti-inflammatory diet helps. Is there a good one you would recommend to others?

Gemini - No, you're not alone, unfortunately. Thanks for joining us and sharing your experience. I hope some of the information you read here will be helpful.

Take care everyone, Pat

February 11, 2010 - 6:14pm


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