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EmpowHER Guest

I wrote a few months ago telling you i got a Flu shot in October 2009 in my left arm. I get numbness in the left arm when i sleep at night.I toss and turn so much cause the pain is so annoying,especially more at night. I've tried everything like Motrin,Deep tissue massage,jacuzzi jets,Ben-Gay rub,heating and ice pads,a massager arm wrap,Glucosamine vitamins and creams.Sometimes these things help temporaily but the annoying pain is still there.I also sometimes get numbness and tingling down my left leg as well.I'm thinking sometimes the nerve might pinch or whatever in my arm and then causes a little siatica.I'm scared of having this the rest of my life as well.Sometimes it feels like it locks or gets so numb it feels like my arm gets so heavy it will fall off.I've been continueing to do excersises with it cause i don't want to get that Frozen Shoulder problem.At least it was in my left arm and i'm a righty.I go to church and pray about it and ask God to at least limit the pain if not take it away completely.I know it could be something worse so i'm trying to be thankful it's just kinda mild compared to what it could really be.I just can't imagine growing old with this pain.I'm 38 and feel like i'm 45 sometimes with this arm pain.Thanks for reading all this and may God Bless Us All.

April 19, 2010 - 10:32am


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