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EmpowHER Guest

I had a Flu shot about 2 or 3 years ago on my right upper arm. It was the first time it hurt afterward. Once the pain stopped I was left with a red raised bump that looks like a mosquito bite. I has never gone away and, at best, is very light pink to very red, like I just go bitten by a mosquito. I have gone to my PCP and recently to my Dermatologists and get no help. I had it examined via an MRI during an MRI of other parts of my body and still no results. I hate it since it looks like I have a permanent bite, bump, or pimple on my arm where everyone can see. It's itchy sometimes too. Does anyone have this? My doctors don't believe that it's from the Flu Shot, but I know it is. Help. How do I get rid of it????? Thanks, LG

August 6, 2010 - 1:18am


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