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(reply to buddha2310)


Thank you so much for writing about you and your daughter's experience. She is so fortunate to have a mom who has worked to find answers and who now can help her with this condition.

This morning on Good Morning America, I saw an interview with Glenn Close and her sister, Jessie. Her sister was diagnosed as being bipolar 9 years ago at age 47 -- and all of a sudden, many things about her childhood and her personality made sense. When she was young, they just called her a "wild child," because there wasn't enough information and issues like these weren't brought to the forefront at that time. She is a writer, and worried about the effect meds would have on her. But through work with her psychiatrist and honest feedback about how she was feeling, she is doing well. And when asked about whether the medicines caused side effects, she talked about fatigue and weight gain, but said she would never go back, that the side effects were more than worth the ability to have a functioning mind.

She and Glenn Close are two of the real people who are appearing in a series of public service announcements about mental health. Here's a link to their story and a video of the PSA itself:


Buddha, your daughter faces a lot of challenges now, I know. But you are right in believing that having a "labeled" condition -- and the answers that come with it -- are so necessary to being able to move forward. Best of health to you both. And please update us in the future!

October 21, 2009 - 9:15am


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