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Hi! Please help me with this. About 16 days ago my boyfriend and I dry hump then he ejaculated and pee. Then we continue the second time. When I felt my underwear was wet I told him to stop and then I used my hand to check if it was b of me or bc of him. I touched the outside of my underwear and then I forgot and I continued to use that hand to touch my vagina. About 7 days after I saw a little bit blood just a little bit viscid substance.. My period is never stable. But compare to last month, Now this month I have had my period late for 3 days. I have a pain in my breasts. Is there any chance that I'm pregnant? Or my breast pain just bc I'm gonna have my period? Bc my period is not stable. And I have been under stress for weeks bc I'm having my finals exam. I'm still a virgin haven't had intercourse before.

May 14, 2015 - 11:10am


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