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Anonymous (reply to jqheaven)

Hi Jqheaven,
What you've said is almost all the same as what happened to me, the accident, neck clicking, dizziness w/ head movement and back pain. As of now I am on a third therapist. The 1st one was w/ a chiro, they were nice but I think it was what made it bad for me. I came complaining w/ headaches then this young girl PT (following chiro's instruction) did the machine massager and on the whole of my back which left me sore and feeling so broken that night and the next day. I felt like all my bones were separating from each other. If not for my muscles and skin, it feels like its all going to fall all over the floor.I only got treated for a week. Ever since then my neck starts its clicking, my low back cracks and makes grinding sound whenever I move. it is very frustrating coz my activities now are so limited and I had to leave my job because my body can't do what i need to.

Anyways, 3rd therapist is making me stretch and strengthen my neck and back muscles. It was 2 exercise at a time and added more everytime I visit. but she's always reminding me that if symptoms worsen to stop until I see her again. It was a trial and error for me bec she has to make sure that the exercise she prescribed are not making things worse. so i don't know if this would help some, try ROM in all direction one at a time and see how it feels. if its ok try it repeatedly 5 at a time then increase. if something don't feel right or u feel weird, don't do that motion. just use the simple neck flexion, extension, left or right head rotation and observe. as what my therapist said, stop if it gets u feel bad or worse. it it maintain or gets better w/ repetition then keep doing it b ut take a rest in between. this is not for everybody but i hope it helps some...=)

November 16, 2011 - 9:49pm


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