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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hello, I need some advice or guidence.
I usually start my birth control pack at night on Sunday, and I forgot to take it that night so I took it the following Monday morning. (I was about 8 hours late for my first birth control pill in the pack.) But then, I forgot to take two pills in one day on Monday, so I made up for it on Tuesday by taking 2 pills and was back on my regular schedule on Wednesday. About 8 days after this occurrence, my boyfriend and I had sex (with a condom), and about 5 mins after we started, it hurt me, so we took the condom off. And then a few minutes later we put the same condom back on and proceeded to have sex. He pulled out before he came. But I am worried that the pre-ejucatory fluid from the taking off of the condom the first time could cause me to get pregnant. My boyfriend thinks that I am stressing over nothing. Is he right or should I be worried? In addition, 5 days after the intetcourse I noticed that I was 1 day behind on a pill in my pack so I took two in one day. I'm about 80% sure I took the correct pill on the day I had sex, but I can't be 100% positive. Would getting behind on pills cause me to get pregnant? Should I be worried about pregnancy?

June 18, 2016 - 11:17am


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