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Oh, and I just read the title of your post...and everything I have read on this medication says that it must be taken once a day on an empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before breakfast, in order for it to have the most benefit.

I wanted to make sure that the medication is not upsetting her stomach, as there could be some remedies for this---your pharmacist would know if this medication could be taken mixed in water or crushed form, or if there are any "tricks" to taking this medicine. If she does not have an upset stomach, but is experiencing "only" diarrhea, we will need to ask our medical expert about any possible remedies. Your pharmacist would also be a good person to ask about how to control the pain associated with diarrhea while taking this medicine, as s/he would know of any drug interactions (I would still run any new recommendations by your daughter's doctor before taking anything new).

October 8, 2009 - 12:52pm


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