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(reply to Alison Beaver)

Dear Alison, Rosa and others who have answered my questions....Thank you so much and please be patient with me if I ask what may seemingly be ignorant questions....This is my first baby and my wife is Thai and does not speak English so I am the middle man so to speak. My question at this point is: My wife is clock work Period and usually a very heavy period even when she was taking Yaz....it came between the 23 and 25 of every month and it was heavy......she has been off of Yaz since 1-week before the start of her last period as she decided she wanted to get pregnant now. At the 7th day of her cycle we started making love very regularly all the way through her 23rd day.....She started what appeared to be a very early period this month...on the 17th-ten days early and it was more like spotting...not heavy and only 3-days.....the spots were no more then nickle in size and pinkish not the heavy red/brown color as before.
QUESTION: Is it possible for my wife to be pregnant and still show the signs and even have a sort-of-semi-period???? She wants to know because this cycle was very much out of the norm for her....as long as we have been married and for as long as she has been taking birth control even before Yaz.....she has only been early by maybe a day or two at most...so 10-days seemed a little bit TOO early???
Thank you again...from Dave--Loving Husband and Hopeful Father!!!

December 19, 2009 - 6:13pm


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