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What are you specifically concerned about, as I would not consider this a "dramatic" change??

Please know that your period will change throughout your life, depending on if you have had a recent illness, medications (vaccines may/may not effect your cycle the following day..I doubt they would), excess stress...or any number of environmental influences. The changes you experience can include flow that is heavier or lighter; longer or shorter in duration; different color (red, pink, brown), thicker or thinner, etc.

Your menstrual cycles will change many times throughout your life; sometimes it will be predictable and other times there will seemingly be no "rhyme or reason" to the change. Your hormones fluctuate on an on-going basis during your cycle, as your body reacts to its environment. This is normal, and healthy, as our bodies are not built to run like clockwork, even if previously you could count on your period to be precise.

Your menstrual period may be the exact same for months or years, then change for no apparent reason. As long as it is still within the normal ranges, this is fine. Normal ranges for a period means that your cycle is about 21-35 days long, and you don't bleed for more than about 7 days. Some women experience PMS symptoms, others do not. Some women have late periods or even miss a period one month (and is not due to a pregnancy), and this can be normal, too. What's not normal is abnormal heavy bleeding (soaking more than 1-2 pads/tampons every hour), extreme pain, period lasting more than 7 days. You can read more at: How to know if your period is normal.

October 13, 2009 - 9:01pm


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