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EmpowHER Guest

urm, hi :) I've never talked about my period like this before.. but I'll give it a go. I was irregular for about 3 months before put on the pill. I am 20 btw. I have been off the pill now for quite some time maybe 4-5months because I felt sick and it had helped me get things back on track, I also used it to help me with my anemia. However, I am now anemic again and I take Iron pills but weirdly, my cycle has been 18 days apart, for the past 3 months. I'm not sure if this is something to be concerned about or not. Also, don't think this is a conicedence, probably just my body changing, but I've realised I've lost weight and my hair has become a lot thinner. Then again, I've researched that and it can be all due to hormones and body changes etc. Well any opinions would be great, if not then no dramas :D thanks for your time :D

April 26, 2011 - 6:37am


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