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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Imagine that, I learned a new word "majoral" in an article about pregnancy.
You cannot seriously believe that the problem with popular culture began in the 1980's. What about Elvis and rock and roll since its inception? What we are seeing now is a trend that started a long time ago. Images of purely sexual nature are as old as the art of making images. Stroll through an art museum sometime and you'll see more people without clothes than with and many of them in lewd positions.
The problem is parenting. If we raise our children to have strong moral values, they will be able to resist the negative influences out there. We need to start doing this at the birth of the child and not stop until it is time for the child to leave the nest. Treat your children with respect but let them know what you expect of them in return. Teach them that teenagers do not have the right to absolute privacy because they are too naive to steer themselves from harm's way on their own. They are not living in their own apartment at the age of 15 (or 16-18) because they are not ready to be away from parental guidance.
We are letting go of our children too early.

October 26, 2009 - 2:16am


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