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Hi, Iliana, and welcome to EmpowHer! Thank you for your very good question.

I have some questions for you that will help me find information for you.

Can you tell me what the doctor said when he diagnosed you with bipolar?

How much time did the second doctor spend with you? Did he do any lab tests?

Is there a history of bipolar disorder in your family?

Are both doctors psychiatrists? Or just regular doctors?

Are your only symptoms the ones you wrote about? (Fatigue, headache, lack of interest in things) or do you have more symptoms?

Do you feel that you have noticeable mood swings? That you are sometimes happy and busy, and other times very down and fatigued?

Depression and bipolar are often linked, but they are very different conditions.

Here are the symptoms of depression in our EmpowHer encyclopedia:

◦Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or emptiness
◦Feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless
◦Loss of interest in hobbies and activities
◦Loss of interest in sex
◦Feeling tired
◦Trouble concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
◦Trouble sleeping, waking up too early, or oversleeping
◦Eating more or less than usual
◦Weight gain or weight loss
◦Thoughts of death or suicide with or without suicide attempts
◦Restlessness or irritability
◦Physical symptoms that defy standard diagnosis and do not respond well to medical treatments

And here are the symptoms of bipolar disorder:

◦Dramatic mood swings, ranging from elated excitability to hopeless despondency
◦Periods of normal mood in between ups and downs
◦Extreme changes in energy and behavior

Periods of highs are called mania. Signs and symptoms of mania include:
◦Persistent and inexplicable elevation in mood
◦Increased energy and effort toward goal-directed activities
◦Restlessness and agitation
◦Racing thoughts, jumping from one idea to another
◦Rapid speech or pressure to keep talking
◦Trouble concentrating
◦Decreased need for sleep
◦Overconfidence or inflated self-esteem
◦Poor judgment, often involving spending sprees and sexual indiscretions

Periods of lows are called depression. Signs and symptoms of depression include:
◦Prolonged sad, hopeless, or empty mood
◦Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
◦Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
◦Decreased energy or fatigue
◦Trouble concentrating, remembering, and/or making decisions
◦Restlessness or diminished movements
◦Sleeping too much or too little
◦Unintended weight loss or gain
◦Thoughts of death or suicide with or without suicide attempts

Are you feeling both the highs and lows?


October 20, 2009 - 9:43am


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