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EmpowHER Guest

^^ Where did you get the impression that removing the clitoral hood is equivalent to removing penile foreskin in terms of the risk of pain, disfigurement, and health problems? ^^

It's a simple fact. The clitoral hood and the male foreskin are homologous and completely indistinguishable in the womb until three months gestation. They are similarly innervated, they both protect the mucosa, and they both afford a frictionless gliding mode of stimulation.

^^ can you illustrate the ways in which American males experience negative long-term side effects of circumcision? ^^

Just Google "circumcision damage" to see images of all-too-common horrid cosmetic and functional outcomes which don't manifest until puberty and so are never counted among the supposedly infrequent complications of infant circumcision. Aside from that, hundreds die and thousands require corrective surgery every year.

>> Are males able to achieve orgasm after circumcision? <<

Usually, and so usually are women whose hood is the only thing excised. Don't compare only the worst FGC to the average MGM.

^^ How often are circumcisions performed past the age of four? ^^

Too often, especially among Muslims, who comprise about 3/4 of the circumcised males on earth.

^^ this article has immediately been perceived as a threat to the forum of male sexual health ^^

Are you condoning the non-consensual mutilation of my male genitals? That's a threat indeed.

^^ This is a website geared toward female health and empowerment ^^

Male circumcision harms a straight female's sex life. It eliminates the slinky rolling sleeve of slack skin which otherwise makes lube for sex utterly obsolete. The foreskin includes about about half of his sensual pleasure-receptive nerve endings and lack of foreskin allows the numbing of the male's mucosa which forces him to engage in more forceful (uncomfortable for her) sexual interaction in order to feel anything. And empowerment is an important issue for women who will be mothers. They need to be armed with the info to effectively fight off medical profiteers who would offer destructive cosmetic surgey for their newborns.

Over 200,000 men are enduring a tedious multi-year process of non-surgical foreskin restoration to regain a measure of their stolen pleasure. I wish there were similar techniques to help cut women.

Google Soraye Mire or Ayan Hirsi-Ali, FGC victims and authors who agree we must protect boys too.

Search at YouTube for "functions of the foreskin" to learn more about the penis in 20 minutes than US doctors are required to know before graduating med school.

-Ron Low

November 3, 2009 - 10:41pm


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